Join the club and start discovering the best-tasting, highest-quality wines, in cans.

Yep, cans.

Wine subscription service

Subscribe from £19 a month.

We have flexible subscription options so you’re sure to find the right fit for you.

Commitment phobe? No problem, choose a Tasting Kit and leave the rest up to us.

We’ll ship your order within 2-3 business days and will let you know when it’s been dispatched from BWC HQ.

How it works.

Wine subscription UK

You join.

Choose the length of your subscription, how many cans you want and what kind of wine you want to drink. There are different payment options available.


We do our thing.

We handpick your selection of premium wine from our ever expanding range. You’re in for a treat.

Canned wine subscription

You drink.

Receive your box of 3, 4 or 6 cans with tasting notes. Shipping is included free of charge.

What’s in the box?

3, 4 or 6 hand-selected cans.

Each between 187ml and 250ml and over time, we’ll surprise you with new cans.

You’ll get tasting notes too, so you get to find out what you like (and more importantly, what you don’t like.)

Canned wine subscription service

What our customers say